Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So I have seriously fallen behind.

I started to write this really long post FOREVER ago and I just never got around to finishing it. The more I didn't finish, the more I wanted to add on and then the more overwhelmed I got. I decided just to scrap it and start afresh, hoping that this time I would actually finish. I think I am going to do what Emily does and update about every day. I figure that those who really care about my life will read and if you really don't care all that much, skip to the longer ones because they will probably be more juicy.

There's really so much I want to talk about. Let's just go with what's recent and move progressively into the past, shall we?

I was struck hard with the stomach flu Monday. I went to bed Sunday night feeling totally fine. About 1:00am Monday morning, I woke up and began throwing up. I went back to bed and continued to wake up periodically throughout the night to go to the bathroom and yark. I was sick in bed the rest of day. I could barely get out of bed to open the door, let alone go to my classes; I missed every class I had that day. Luckily 3/4 of them were lecture classes so I had the friends I have made in those classes take good notes for me and the other one was sign language and we all know how I feel about that class... The boys in my hall were so sweet to me all day. Zac and Adam (roommates) would tag-team checking up on me to see how I was and if I needed anything, they would jump up and get it for me. I am really blessed to have such nice guys in my hall. Katie and Alysa were really great, too. Felt bad for Alysa that she had to breathe the same air as me, but she handled it well, I think. :) I lied in bed for the rest of the day, barely able to move at all except to go to the bathroom to throw up...By 10:30 that night, I was ready to go to bed, even though I had been sleeping the whole day. I thought that there was absolutely no way I was waking up in the morning. 7:30, my alarm went off and after hitting the snooze button twice (like I do every morning), I was up and ready to go for the day, just like any other morning. I went to my ASL in the morning (my professor decided to emphasize the point of being to class daily by picking on the people who weren't in class the day before and making them sign something random in front of the class. Stupidly on her part, she picks on me first and I did everything she asked for and more. Dang, did I school her!), went home, bought some cookies for the boys to thank them, watched The Office, and went to my last class of the day. Everything was back to normal. Weird how quickly one gets and gets over the stomach flu, huh?

Later in the day today, Zac down the hall invited me to come chill in his room for a while. Even though I was going to go do homework, it was his birthday and since he taken such good care of me the day before, I felt I owed it to him. I ended up hanging out with him and his suite mate Andrew for a good hour and a half. Both of them are super nice guys and I really hope all of us will be cool friends. Afterward, I went to study but my roommate was asleep, so I was forced to go study elsewhere...so here I am...Adam and Andrew from down the hall should be joining me shortly...super fun guys to hang out with and they actually make me get off Facebook to do my homework and make sure I don't fall asleep. Good guys. :)

Until they get here...I will write about my AWESOME weekend! OK, background story: So on Emily's blog, Tom and I have a little competition for the best Mad Lib that Emily provides on her blog and in every new post, she declares a winner. She told me that she was going to send me a really cool gift over the weekend (I was checking my mailbox every day!) So on to the story...Friday was a tough day. I had three classes and in every class I had a test. Yuck. Afterward, I went grocery shopping with my sister and Alysa (we also met a really nice guy named Kyle who helped us carry our groceries. The once-thought jerks of VDP men are turning out to be really sweet!), then lots of walking around campus for nothing but I won't get into that, then I met Lindsey and Stephen and the three of us had some serious bonding time like oldschool junior high days. Lindsey told me that Emily made a mistake and put my name on the package but put Lindsey's address on it instead and that I needed to come to her dorm around 8 so I can get it and have Emily on the phone while I open it. I was all excited. I had been waiting for it all week and I was almost out of fruit snacks. :) Lindsey, Alysa and I went to dinner and then I went in the conference room to call my mom who was in New York and I talked with her and Grandma for a really long time. Lindsey kept calling me while I was on the phone with her so I had to end our call early. I walked outside to go call her and she and Lys were standing there. She was like, "So, do you want your present?" Just then, EMILY runs out from behind the wall! AH! I was SO excited to see her! According to everyone, I let out a scream that sounded like I was being murdered. AH! It was so good to see her! The rest of the night, we just hung out in my room talking and laughing and catching up. The next day, I went to my Centennial Hall interview (I got the job without even having to interview! Woot!) and then Em, Linds, Lys, and I went over to Katie's apartment and she and her roommates cooked us a home-cooked meal of Italian sandwiches. YUM! Then we all went to the mall and Lys picked me out some really cute clothes (as always. Gotta love my roommate. :]). Then Em, Linds, Lys, and I drove to another mall to see Mamma Mia! (Alysa's first time seeing it, my second time, Lindsey's seventh time, and Emily's TENTH!) And then...well, let's just say we had a little adventure on the way home...:D Emily and Lindsey spent the night in my dorm, we watch half of Heartburn (STUPID movie but the only reason it was good was because the Majestic Meryl was in it!). Next day we went to church with Katie at First Southern Baptist and it was a good service, wasn't it girls?! ;) Afterward, I introduced Lindsey and Em to the wonder of IQ and their killer sweet potato fries. We watched the rest of the movie and then goodbyes to Emily. :( But basically it was the best surprise I have ever gotten and it was so incredibly good to see her. I love you, Em!

So I should really go...Adam has been standing over me tapping his foot for about 10 minutes, telling me it's time to stop wasting my time and actually study...I'm telling you, it's quite beneficial to hang out with these boys! :) I will post about everything else soon!


Unknown said...

This one'll be quick: Majestic Meryl? You guys astounded me. Need I mention that she failed to win an oscar like 12 times...

Emily-Ann said...

Tom your Meryl comments do not bother me anymore....

Allison!!!!! I had such a great weekend with you guys! And that movie was kind of dumb...there were a few good parts but overall Meryl made worht watching.... The guy on the TV (doing the whole masterpiece theatre thing of her life) was freaky though!

I am glad you are over the stomach flu...yuck!
OH but you used your famous word YARK! I love that word!!!!! I love Allison-ese!

I have two more posts to read and will comment more on them!
Love ya!

oh and church service was very good!